The West Australian

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We’re excited to announce that the Resources Technology Showcase is set to return on 17th-19th August 2025.
Get ready for an exhilarating journey into the world of Western Australia’s natural resources!
The FREE 3-day showcase is set to connect and educate students on the minerals that make our world go round.
For more information on 2025 sponsorship opportunities or school excursions please email [email protected]
The West Australian
The West Australian
The West Australian
The West Australian
The West Australian
The West Australian
Seven West Media
Seven West Media is one of Australia’s most prominent media companies, with a market leading presence in content production across broadcast television, publishing and digital.
The company comprises some of Australia’s most renowned media businesses, including the Seven Network and its affiliate channels 7two, 7mate, 7flix, 7Bravo and BVOD offering 7plus, as well as The West Australian, The Sunday Times, PerthNow and The Nightly. Seven West Media WA has an incredible regional and community presence in WA through its newspaper, 7 Regional television and digital network, which combined with the broadcast and metro print and digital assets reaches over 93% of Western Australians.